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October is National Dental Hygiene Month

national dental hygiene monthMaintaining a good dental hygiene routine is one of the most important things you can do for your health.  Oral health can affect your heart, bones and immune system.  Taking the time to establish and follow good dental habits now will have positive benefits far into the future.

National Dental Hygiene Month is recognized in October by dental providers all over the country.  National Dental Hygiene Month is sponsored by both the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program. The goal is to educate our patients on “The Daily 4” in hopes that this set of guidelines become positive personal habits that last a lifetime.

The Daily 4 are:
Brushing twice a day, every day.  Use a soft bristled toothbrush and a gentle circular motion along the gum line to get optimal results.

Flossing at least once a day and after every meal is recommended.  Your dental hygienist is more than happy to demonstrate proper flossing techniques at your next visit.

Rinsing with a fluoride rinse daily will help keep enamel strong and teeth cavity free.

Chewing sugar free gum after a meal when brushing isn’t practical, has been found to have a positive effect on removing the bacteria that comes with food digestion.

Along with making “The Daily 4” part of your routine, remember to see your dental professional twice a year for cleanings and check ups.  And while you’re there, take a minute to say thank you to your dental hygienist.  Your dental hygienist is the first line of defense in your oral care routine and uses their professional skills to provide you with the highest quality dental experience possible.

When you’re ready, contact Grove Avenue Dentistry at 804-285-1378 for an appointment.  Our dental providers are always ready to help you maintain your great smile!  We hope to see you soon!

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