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IV Sedation

One reason people avoid or postpone needed dental treatment is, simply put, fear. While contemporary techniques allow the delivery of local anesthetic virtually pain free, memories of painful experiences from the past still haunt the dental public. sedation-dentistryIV sedation techniques are an excellent alternative for treatment of such patients as well as for lengthy restorative or surgical appointments in the non phobic patient.

IV sedation involves the use of sedative agents administered by way of an IV line directly into the patient’s circulation. This allows the gradual dosing of appropriate medications until the patient is safely and comfortably sedated. Patients who have experienced procedures performed while undergoing IV sedation report that they feel as though they had been “put to sleep” and have no memory of any of the dental treatment. IV sedation which is extremely safe should not be confused with general anesthetic which embodies certain inherent hazards.

Dr. Adams is highly trained and experienced in the safe and effect use of modern IV sedation techniques.

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