Grove Avenue Dentistry

Dental Emergency

At Grove Avenue Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we understand that dental emergencies happen, and we are here for you when they do. Our priority is to prevent or eliminate pain, as well as ensure the life of a tooth that has been damaged.

If you or your child experiences a dental emergency, call our Richmond, Virginia dental office immediately at 804.285.1378. We will schedule you to see one of our dentists as soon as possible, and our knowledgeable dental team may be able to suggest methods for relieving pain and discomfort in the meantime. Contact us today to learn more about our dentists and emergency dental care.

Here are a few tips of what you can do at home to handle a dental emergency:

Try to find the tooth! This may not be as easy as you think if the injury took place on a playground, basketball court or while skateboarding, so try to stay calm. Hold the tooth by the crown and rinse the root in water if the tooth is dirty. Don’t scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. If it’s possible, gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket while you head to the dentist. If that’s not possible, put the tooth in a cup of milk or water and bring it to the dentist. Time is critical for successful reimplantation, so try to get to your dentist immediately.
Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Use cold compresses on the outside of the cheek to help reduce the swelling.
Clean the area gently with a clean cloth and apply cold compresses to reduce any swelling. If the bleeding can’t be controlled, go to a hospital emergency room or clinic. You may able to reduce bleeding from the tongue by pulling it forward and using gauze to put pressure on the wound.
Try to gently remove the object with dental floss. Never use a sharp instrument to remove any object that is stuck between your teeth. If you can’t dislodge the object with floss, contact your dentist.
Apply cold compresses to control swelling. Get to the hospital emergency room immediately.


No matter how careful we are, a dental emergency may still happen. The important thing to remember is what to do when they occur. With quick thinking and preparation, you can save your teeth and preserve your health for years to come.


If you have a question about a dental emergency, please fill out our form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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